Wednesday, July 9, 2008

three little victories

First, I harvested the first two tomatoes from the grape tomato plant the other day.

Second, the AC repair man visited this morning and fixed the AC. Thank goodness.

Third, I was reading my newspaper while waiting for the AC guy to show up when I see the headline, "Washington appeals court rules against WSU dorm patrols."

Yes, the court ruled that police cannot walk through the halls of dorms, saying students have a certain expectation of privacy in those halls that connect their bathrooms and bedrooms.
"You would think an institution of higher learning would be dedicated to the rule of law," defense lawyer Tim Esser said. "For WSU to think it can rewrite some regulations to get around the Fourth Amendment is bizarre."

Read the story here.
This is a story we covered at the Evergreen and I also wrote about for Washinton State Magazine (which to my chagrin, I cannot find online). It's good to see we weren't shining light on an issue to no avail. I'll be looking forward to seeing how WSU amends it's policy as promised in a news release since the ruling. I'll also be interested to see how the Evergreen follows up on the issue.

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