Sunday, May 10, 2009


Good timing turned the departure of a coworker into a step in the right direction for me. The ADN's special sections editor left the paper for a technical writing job and I happily accepted the job after several meetings with my boss and the executive editor.

Since shut down, my digital portfolio is limited to my account. Luckily the Evergreeners have such smart, innovative friends as Joe and Brian to invent a Web site that helps us share ideas and showcase our work. I have you both to thank.

Until they fill my current position I've got one hand on the mouse and the other on the drawing board. I'm looking forward to writing, designing and editing once again. Writing, I'll be composing something more than cover letters and blog posts for the first time in a long time. Editing, designing and planning the sections is a chance to do all my favorite things in the same job. I've got lots of ideas and a bit of a learning curve to get my arms around our 107 yearly special sections but I can hardly wait to begin.

So here's to anticipation.