Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting crafty

I had so many DIY projects going the week of the wedding even my dad chipped in on the craftyness. He even helped tie billions of little bows on the programs. Above is the disappearing satin. Not only did I go to the fabric store twice to buy it, because the first purchase inexplicably disappeared. But then after much careful measuring, cutting and sewing the edges for pocket squares for the tuxes, the little buggars were nowhere to be found on the big day. All those debates over how to sew the edge and the only result was these awesome photos and some family bonding time. I didn't realize this event needed a props manager. The garter disappeared the day of the wedding too. But that's a story for another post with corresponding pictures.
We assembled welcome bags for all the guests with Alaska Moose Droppings [aka Whoppers], traveler propaganda, Alaska playing cards and other goodies. These are the Moose Dropping tags I designed in the wedding colors to save on more overpriced versions are the souvenir stores downtown.

NOTE: Hanging above the table in the top photo is a sample of the many tissue paper flowers Brielle and I made one weekend a couple months back. She spent a whole weekend in Anchorage helping me with wedding stuff. We sat for hours over red wine, tissue paper, pipe cleaners and scissors making those poofs of pretty.

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